Sunday, December 04, 2005

New Goban

ChiyoDad has been doing a lot of goban research and has, after quite some time, made a decision on a really nice-looking table goban set from chinese importer Yellow Mountain Imports. While doing this research he came across a reasonably priced auction from the same vendor for a floor goban. Knowing that I have been in the market for one, he left a message on KGS and the rest is history. :)

Here is a link to the eBay auction:

Kaya 5.9" 15cm Go Board and Yunzi Stones Game Set

And here is an image which I will augment as I take shipment and shoot my own photos:

The yunzi stones are biconvex which I have mixed feelings about. I really like the idea of having a single flat side based on the images I've seen of chinese pros using those flat sides to denote special meaning during a review. At the same time, I think biconvex probably feel better and look better. So, in the end, I am happy about the stones but have conveniently left myself something to complain about. :)

More info to come...


ChiyoDad said...

Glad you got yours! Here's the latest.

ChiyoDad said...

Agh! I gave you the wrong link. Here's the right one.

LeisureGuy said...

Just curious: how did the board turn out? Is it really true kaya, and a solid chunk (not veneer)? The price seems too good to be true.

frankiii said...

It's a pretty nice board, although there were shipping problems. Here are some photos:

I have been meaning to create a writeup but just have not gotten around to doing it justice.

All in all, after a couple months of ownership, I think I'd buy it if I had to do it all over again. I would NOT pay their list price of $695, though.

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